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Main office: 319 Gulpha St, North Albury NSW 2640

Direct debit is strongly encouraged.

Account name:
Anglican Parish of Northern Albury

032 775
Account: 690 242

Use code: 8153
Return & Earn, 11 Catherine Crescent, Lavington.

The Anglican Parish of Northern Albury is a Christian community worshipping across four locations in North Albury, Lavington, Jindera and Thurgoona.

We are a community where everyone is welcome, and we hope everyone can find a place to belong.

We are a community of people seeking to live as Christians with integrity and authenticity.

We are a community with a mission to love and serve our neighbours, and proclaim the transforming, life-giving reign of God.

As a part of the Anglican Diocese of Wangaratta, our identity is shaped by the global Anglican Communion.  There are some important statements, such as the Five Marks of Mission and the 39 Articles of Religion which help give some understanding of that broader context. 

However, our focus is contemporary and local, as our primary concern is with our own neighbourhood, its needs, concerns, hopes and joys.

Wherever you are on your own journey of faith, we hope you find something of value here; and if you have any questions or would like to get to know us better, please do make contact here or in person!

Service times:

Wednesday, 12:00pm
Holy Communion, St. Mark’s, North Albury.
Thursday, 10:00am
Holy Communion, St. James’, Lavington.
Sunday, 9:30am
Alternating Holy Communion/Morning Prayer, St. Mark’s, North Albury, and St. Paul’s, Jindera.