Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Baptism is the visible sign by which someone becomes a Christian. In baptism, the promises of God are visibly signed and sealed for us. We are joined to Christ, and made members of his body, the Church.

Baptism in this church is available to anyone who has never been validly baptised. It will usually take place as part of one of our regular worship services.
There are no fees for baptism.

Please contact the vicar if you wish to discuss baptism for yourself or your child.

Marriage in the church is really two things at once; it is the coming together in the presence of God to witness a couple giving themselves to one another in marriage, and to seek God’s blessing on them. And it is the process by which a marriage (under the Marriage Act 1961) is recognised under secular law. Both aspects of this process shape what we are able to offer.

Weddings in this parish are conducted according to the rites of the Anglican Church of Australia, by an Anglican priest. The involvement of ministers of other denominations is welcome, and must be worked out with the vicar.

Wedding fees for those who are not regular worshippers here are $300 for the use of the church, and $175 for the priest’s time. Additional fees may apply for musicians or flowers. If you are experiencing financial hardship such that these fees are a barrier to getting married, please speak to us about what may be possible.

Given the legal constraints under which we operate, we are not able to solemnise same-sex marriages. We are, however, able to offer blessings to any couple who have entered into a civil marriage. The fee for such a service is $150.

Please contact the vicar more than a month in advance of the proposed date, if you wish to discuss having a wedding or blessing service in one of our churches.

A church funeral is a time to come together to thank God for the life of a person we have loved, to mourn and honour them, to support one another in grief, and to proclaim Christian hope in the face of death.

Requests for a funeral are always welcome, and we will do our utmost to care for grieving families. Funeral arrangements are usually made through your chosen funeral director, although you are welcome to contact us directly.

It is also possible, if you wish, to plan a funeral in advance and lodge those plans with us, so that your wishes are on record.

Funeral fees for those who are not regular worshippers here are $250 for the use of the church, and $175 for the priest’s time. There may be additional fees for musicians or flowers. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please speak to us, as we would never seek to deny a Christian funeral based on inability to pay.

Please contact the vicar if you wish to discuss having a funeral in one of our churches.

Memorial garden
There is a memorial garden in the grounds of St. Mark’s, North Albury, in which the ashes of a loved one may be interred.  This is done by arrangement with the vicar, and there is usually no fee involved.  The parish has a policy about the placement of plaques, please contact the office to discuss your wishes, and check the policy.

The memorial garden is generally open to the public during church services or when our office is open; outside of those times, please contact us to arrange access (the garden is locked when no one is present to prevent vandalism and theft).